Boxing Day
Its Boxing day today.Mom just called 10 mins ago. Mom: Hello miss seow....wat are u doing.......Me:Cooking lar...Mom: COOKING? what?..nobody belanja u to eat today arh?Me:*wtf* why must someone belanja me to eatMom:DUnno....anyway...u know wat..ur SIS KUTU(head lice)...Wat to put arhMe: HAH KUTU?...where thefuck she got that from?Mom: From church camp lar...must be those indian girls lar..u know lar klang..alot of Ahnehs wan.....I think i also kena...check her hair aiyoooooo SO MUCH KUTU LAR!! all the eggs!me: haiyah go n buy EBB lah form pharmacist....wash for 3 nightsl ar..then theres this kutu shampoo rub in the head n wear morning go wash.Mom: u know ur bro suddenly so tall...i have to look up to him suddenly..neck also pain*in the back ground bro could be heard talking*DS: Yeaa SURE LAH I tall...i everyday TFK!...SUre grow tall wan!Me:*across the sea in tawau on the phone* see lar....ur bro all..think the very smart........Me: HAIYOH...tell him dun talk so much...later his pubic hair all got kutu...Mom: yea loh......hahaha........So..erm..happy boxing days....after the phone call i felt like i was given a boxed... =)ps: i love my family...actually they are like this all the time... =Dlots of love from jo to the Seows back home in Kota Kemuning! *hugs*
Merry Christmas!
Jingle balls people!Xmas eve saw us Pharmacist, Medical Drs and Dentist having a "nice" time =DWent out for dinner 10 of us. Went to St. Patricks church for a lil while to watch xmas performance.
Yan Wei and Me in the lift..haha.......
We decide to take pictures before going for dinner around our condo.
Housemates: TE, Me, Yw, Kj....and No YW....its not possible for aneroxics to be pregnant!!
Imu Pharmacist....all got stuck in Tawau....sigh wtf...such a waste of resources!! Might i add..6 aesthetically favourable resources.
Look!..its a Christmas tree....HAhahah
Baby dont jealous ok...i still love u....
Arrived at Rasa Sayang restaurant where Dr.Ong had book a table for us. We had Deer Meat Kunak style, Prawns(mayo & some chinesey sauce), Toufu, Chicken in malty-ish sauce*dam nice*, Thai style chicken and baby kailan with garlic....Mmmmm ...Drool...
But i still want mummys Stuffed Roast Turkey...the Sacarstic mommy said..CAN..i keep some for u now CNY u come back n eat mum is such a nice person.
So we tried to make Dr.Ma camwhore...but tak jadi lar...his too lurus! Dr.Ma..u fail lar
All of us before digging in. L-R:Ning Xin, Me, Dr.Ma, Kah Jin, Dr. Ong, Tick Eu, Su Jang, JoYi. Standing: Yan Wei & Evon.
After dinner Dr.Ong said..EH lets go church lar....all the girls were a bit apprehensive cos we werent dressed appropriately. Dr. Ma added...Yea..when u all get in the church...the elders will tell u to GET OUT! ...whilst pointing towards the door...Ediot....haha
So i got a lil bored in church during the drama.....Kj,Kj, ..snap pic for me plss!
During the scene where 3 men were going on the journey following the star , I turned to Kj and ask
Me: KJ, Eh are those 3 the 3 blind man in the bible
Me: totaly losing it *pei*
What to do..the service was in MANDARIN for gods Sake (Oh NO..i Used gods name in VAIN-Die la)
Ladida......30 mins later during the serive...*shake leg*..
Me: WEh can go Feng TAU edi or not..boring lar!
The rest: YEA yea come lets go...ahhaha
Me:*to myself* Cheh they were as bored as me but too polite to say put loud only* haha
We then walked from church to R&B Club....yea we WALKED......Yes..Tawau is THAT Small... =D
U must be small town also got Club arh....yea..we do have a few clubs...not bad arh ..hehe
Only there is no cinema, no shopping centre, no McDonalds....dont make sense right? =S
Pfttttttttttt..Merry Xmas.....
OK..finally got him to act Cute..NOt bad ah Dr.Ma! pass edi...welcome to =D
Oh!! ..then we saw our clinical lab assistant came into the club too. Told everyone at the table...Eh...Tawau hospital gathering in R&B Club lar.....'SO happening' our hospital staff.. HAHa
LalaLa....Drank loads.........went back early.....about 2....cos erm responsible health care professionals has got duty n etc the next day =)
*Warning...quite perasan post ahead*
Took some photos of my hairstyle. Looks like karipap. Yups i went to work in a gov hospital pharmacy department like this. Haha. More for the CoffeeBean,Starbucks & Sega rather then for work. But gave eye candy for sick ppl...isnt that soo rightttt?
So what u all think..nice or not
Its been 3 months since i came to Tawau. At best i can tell u i feel ..broken, short dead inside.I've learned not to hope in the system anymore. Since day one i have not received my pay form the government. Im broke and i owe parents money. Its not a nice situation to be in especially since i am already in the working force.Tomorrow supposedly its our pay day where 3 months of owed salary should be given to us. Of course i do not have hope anymore that there will be pay. Only disappointment will ensure if i do hope that tomorrow the pay slip is given. SO there..i have no feelings. In this shit hole i am for the pass 3 months not a single day has passed without me being verbally harassed. I do not ask to be wolf whistled at, to be 'rat' called at or worse to be molested. Even in my condo where i live im not free from this verbal harassment. And remember this, no woman ever ask to be rape, molested or taken advantage of. Remember this people. WE DO NOT ASK FOR IT.Why are the people here so uncivilised. I have told my parents about the lawlessness of this state. My dad told me to fuck my license n go to Uk to Mr.Wong. Obviously i cant because all my degree would be for nought! The system has made sure that we suffer...and i am suffering. 1 year houseman ...thats alright..i can take it after all we do learn something. But 3 years service after that with not much say in where i wll be posted in. Like how i had no say when i was posted to this shithole. I dont think i can take it for 4 years. Hopefully i dun just give up n do something drastic. Promises by the system means nothing to me. NOTHING. After this 4 years i think i would be cold, calculative and just plain ass numb. With no hope.Please god, do something i beg of u*cries n rock myself to sleep*Ps: Btw im pmsing. It feels alot more worse now.
Happy 22nd Bday Ah Bee!!!
Happy Birthday ah bee!!!.....Hong Mun Guan, Tiffanie..or better known as ah beeeeeeee *kekkeek*
Weh ah bee..i think u look like Gwai Lou mix here..pan asian..go lah HK n model hehe
To my friend since early secondary school days, wanna wish u many many happy returns and hope the fame star is shinging brightly. I know u can be more then u think u are! wohooo
The most hardworking and friendliest girl that i know not to mention dam chun weh hehe. Also super talented...u want profesionnal make up done?...Look for her....i dont know why but i only trust her skills hehe. Guess she knows me well lar.
Its been about 9 years or more ive known u!...many more to come....
So of course wat is a post without some chio girls picture right!
Oohhh we din look too pretty last time eh (Taken in Jun 2003 prefects reunion)
Ah bee look so sweet here. Our last outing before i left for UK. Ah bee, Cindy and Me (24th May 2004). OIh when u free wanna yam cha again.
Wahhhh i mange to find a picture of her acting cute. Thats it going to try to post an act cute pic in all my postings. hehe!
AND now...The Gorgoues!! wohooooooooo PPPPPPPPPPPPwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeTttttttt
WEHEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee IM BEAUtifullllllllll ahhaha Radiating wohooo ....feel my lovelyness.........
AHah dam shy weh write like this...ah bee dont scold ah!!
Make sure i come back belanja me minum!! *muaaahs*
Big hugs n kiss from me to u on ur birthday all the way from Tawau =D
Ps: Incase u all noticed she looks quite familiar....she was 3rd runner up for Miss Astro Chinese International Peagent 2005.
Batik Day!
One of the "commandments" ( ok lah not excatly commandments but it is preferred if u followed it) of every government worker is to wear batik on the 1st and 15th of every month.
yuppps...promote barang buatan Malaysia mar. And i think on every Friday must wear baju kurung/kebaya and baju melayu or something like that.
So today our first day of wearing ever. Obviously must take picture lar. Here are some of them =)
Some of the hot pharmacist posing infront of the Out Patient Pharmacy Unit.
Check me working behind the counter. Rechecking medications before dispensing.
Nama siapa makcik. Makcik darah tinggit yea. Ini ubat yea....1 biji 3 kali sehari ubat darah tinggi...Zzzzzzzz...duno how many fucking times i repeat those lines edi...
Obligatory act cute pose in the morning. Got cam will whore!
Nice picture must share with ppl. Flowery powery...wooooo
I think im getting sicker already everyday talking to unhealthy ppl. I noticed that OPD has alot of schizo patient....I give out about at least 15 patients with pyscho drugs...why arh?..Tawau so small also got so many of them ar...most of them look normal lar....only 1 or 2 unkempt ones. Weird =S
Whacked vitamin C and all before work to try to protect myself from getting flu...i feel it coming along already.....Bbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrr
Aiyah if sick take Mc loh....n eat the Most exp drugs found in the Pharmacy. Free pay wan =P
Joanne Dah Comel =(
This morning as a i walk into the department today, A the Pharmacy Assistant was saying " Eh eh, tengok Joanne tu, macam dah gemuk"I wasn't meant to hear that but then i did. So i went.."oih tadi cakap apa tu"she was like " Ehh Joanne dengar yea. Tak lah..cuma cakap Joanne makin comel lar (wat a nice way to put im getting fat). Cuba timbang weight kamu dulu." Conveniently there was a weighing scale in the out patient. "Ambil keluar lab coat, Pda, Hp, Buka kasut yea baru timbang" So up i went on the scales..OK wat..weight still the same since icame to tawau."Kalau Joanne tak jaga..lama lama teruk lar"SIgh....I'm sure all of u faced this issue before.. for me its a constant battle as i've been horizontally challenge since primary school days.Friends(guys especially) have called me Polar bear and what not.In short im not a very confident person in terms of my image stature. My weight has always been Yoyo like. Never thin for long. Easy to put on hard to lose kind. Sad but true.Thinnest i've been is 53kg and the plumpiest 60kg.Below are some pics from 2 years ago and 1 year ago
Ahhhhhhhh DAm shiok...Just finish 1 whole cake by myself.....*going to fart soon..better do it quietly*...pffffft (Taken about April 2004)
Guffaw..guffaw....uhuk.......yummy..nasi lemak......Lets eatttttt ( Taken about April 2004)
I think i know how i will look like when im 4 months that on the pic loh (April 2004)
More recent pictures when i came to Sabah.
Perfecting the art of sucking in tummy., smilling sweetly n all that. ( 19th November 2005)
My arms look quite skinny here eh (19th nov 2005)
This is me at my thinnest....(6th Jan 2005)
And NO!!..i did not Zhng my face or my body or watever...i Wish i did..if i had the money. hehe...i go bleach myself, then lipo n all lar ..ahahha Aiyer.....wat an emo/vain post. Bleh......just want to remind myself how ugly i can get if i dun keep watch =((
Eeh ^_O
Its been a week since Kj's massage/suction/scraping "buang angin" treatment. Its wayyyyyyyyyy better already his back. Wont scare away chickedies when he swims lar. HeheHope u feel better after the 'treatment'Can hardly see the scars now! ...wohooo
Ahh ahhh ahh ahhh ahhh......
Ladida...Frolicking weekends
Saturday and Sundays are for relaxing. For hardworking Pharmacist like us*Ahermyearight* we need a break. So wat we do our condo
Oih dun take my pic lar..ugly ler......
Hang in there...just a few more seconds of sucking in ur tummy..*HEerph*
Pweety Pharmacist all in a row chio right...chio right....
Of course when their girls taking picture and enjoying themselves by the poolside...ugly DOM(dirty old man) will come out n oogle. One even had the audicity to wink at me when i staremothafarkingkok at him. Niaaaaaameh
Hamsap MotherFookers...Take their pics only quickly go in!
Whilst swimming got a little bit of course we cam whored again. Thank u Te for taking our pics. hehe
The obligatory act cute pose...this is diffrent...its in the swimming pool!..where we're all WET..hehe
Sunday morning breakfast at nearby coffeeshop. We had to walk there. 10 mins walk. All of us are broke n we do not have a car ...all thanks to the gov.
Morning Breakfast with colleagues at Yam Cha Kai...yea...Yam Cha road that whole stretch is called
Next up, Grocery shopping. We usually do our marketing on the weekends. Weekdays are just not free lar. Have to service erm....not healthy ppl.
The most happening place in Tawau, Pasar Besar Tawau...The biggest in Sabah and some say Malaysia. Don't play play ok!
This is where i hang out on the Weekends. Dam happening weh. Cheap, dirty, smelly. Yeaa..
After marketing, the carless us have to take a cab back. We always wait up for those nice new airconditioned cab. But of cos...suey as we are...the Old school no air con will always stop n pick us up..SIGH!!! So this round with my cam with me...Yw ask "Pak Cik boleh ambil gambar taxi pakcik tak"...pakcik of cos say boleh lar..n smile smile sumore haha. But then of cos din take his face lar
Have u seen an Old-School Cab ....Nah i present to u PakCiks 1960's cab...Din know this things still excist...Only in Tawau my friends...Tawau
On the way back to our condo from the Market we can see ..Indonesia. No need immigration chop wan..just hop on and hop off any available boats. Free n easy. Borders btwn countries?..BAHhh it doesnt exist here!
Indonesia is just a Ferry ride a way!..hurry hurry get ur tickets..actually no need..just swim across lar..haha
YEa.....Life in Tawau....wat to shopping centre..this is wat i resort too....oh the agony.
Last Day in Inpatient Department
On Friday the 9th was my last day in Inpatient department. lets see what i learned there. 1) Learnt how to check which drugs are SRQ(special request drugs), A drugs, B drugs, which needed to be counter signed by the specialist when its prescribe.2)Re-check dosage,frequency and correct medicine is prescribed and whether there is poly-pharmacy in the prescription.3)On Inpatients drug-chart, replenish drug stock, querie drs on dosage etc4)Bed-side counselling....get patients drugs, go up to ward n ask them whether they've taken this med b4, teach them how to use/take certain drugs5)Dangerous Drugs dispensing & Manufacturing. Helf the keys to the safe for drugs like morphine,pethadine,ketamine, fentanyl....wahhhhhhh if only i stole them i would be rich or something. haha!
B Item Drugs

Some of the Injection drugs found in the pharmacy.
The safe to which i held the keys periodically when in inpatient department. Herein lies all the dangerous drugs. hehe
Ketamine injection 10mg/ml. Tranquilisers/sedatives. woooooohh
Opening and closing hours of the pharmacy.
Its been an exciting 8 weeks! going to miss that place.
Next on monday, Outpatient department. Hope i dont meet any weirdos whilst dispensing drugs.
Graffity Art
Check out Andrews work below and his crew SWS (sembur with style)I think its sweet n mellow the colours. And nice sharp blending of colours. Very smooth n polish not like his earlier works in Tmn Andalas Klang which are a bit rough.U are improving drew! A nice art to show all of u =)
Sembur With Style
Its a STEAL!!
WOhooooooooocheck out Air Asias 2 million free flights to 60 destinations!Booking period fomr 7th December till 28th December 2005 and the travelling period is from 7th february till October 2006.I got myself 3 roundtrips back from Tawau to KL....paid rm0.00 for all flights...and rm240.00 for airport tax..only Rm80.00 per roundtrip....WOHOoooooooooLike OHMYGOD.....stealing candy from a baby..heheSo ppl from Semanjung Malaysia, Please be free on this dates27th March till 28th March 2006,11th May till 16th May 2006,31st July till 9th August 2006*Skip skip hophop jump jump* weheeeeeeeeeeeee SO HAPPY!!!!go check out now LAlala..........Good news must be shared!hrmm..Prolly i go check out more dates with Rm0.00 to book n go home!Btw can anyone confirm with me when are the mega sales dates?Please please.....pretty pleaseeeeeeee *puppy dog eyes*

My Blood Test Results..Alcheapo stamp on readings