Monday, December 05, 2005


Today, due to my 'hiauness' i decided to do a blood test. Woke up in the morning later then usual because i was fasting so no need to eat breakie for the blood test loh. Accompanying me for the blood test today was Nx & Yw. I tell u this Yw dam cute lar....she was freaking scared but still had to do it. Erm ..Nx was my photographer because im like so vain...draw blood also need to take photo! haha

Above picture was the first attempt of drawing blood. BLardee hell..that girl there first couldnt find my veins (shit..ok i admit i have more adipose tissues then most ppl =( ). She had a hard time locating my veins and once she sorta did ..Jab...wasnt that pain lar...the aching part came when she was trying to draw blood out. She pulled n pulled the syringe and no blood was flowing out.....she no kungfu lar..... prick edi, suck edi no blood come out nevermind, wriggle wriggle needle...suck suck suck and pump the air into my bloodstream hurts eh...STILL NO BLOOD LEh!!... i had to repeat the process again on the other arm!..shiiiet....

Obviously no kungu girl had to call her superior to draw my blood for me lar...he immediately put on the straps and....... "poke".......... needle went in and ........"Shuck"...... blood came out 5ml of blood effortlessly flowing into the syringe. Bleh...took 5 ml because si hiauness me wanted to do lipid count, cholesterol, FBC, Platelet ....bla bla..the works lar.....*pei*

The rest all had their blood drawn out on first attempt..not fair arh =(

Yw who is darn sked of needles actually did first she didn't want to look at any of us..came her turn she just sat there n look away and another attendant did her job fast n efficient. See, wasnt so bad after all right, Yw. hehe

I had to walk around folding my arms like some handicapped fella to keep the alcohol soaked cotton from falling...cheapo hosp din even give us plaster to hold the cottons.

Right arm..say hello to Left arm...sayang sayang dont be bruised tomorrow ok..Muahs

See, 2 blardee pricks....left arm where the no kungfu girl attempted to draw blood dam swollen now. Sobz! A bit sore lah when i lift my left my arms up. Hope the left 'wound' doesnt hurt much tomorrow. Right wan just a small prick no problemo!

The day progressed uneventfully, ladida.

On the 7th december Hospital Tawau Pharmacy Department is going to be audited by Sirim for the ISO thingy. So fuckme, we have to do clerk work lar. Recheck each n every prescription received by us. Hundreds and thousands of prescription need to be checked to make sure Dr.'s signature and chop was there, frequency is written, correct dose, name & address of patient, diagnosis, blahh..full of nonsense lar! Had to bring 2 days worth of prescription home to recheck sumore... =(

Not only that..those prescription was MONths OLD...form July till now...and like "hello" i only started servicing the gov*herm..sounds kinky* on right!

Like wat Yw said " ISO..more like I'm an ASSHOLE"

KJ added Hospital Tawau can proclaim its ISO like yea.."I Suck Obviously"

Yea i agree....ISO auditing is just waste of time...But gov to waste tax payers money on improving the efficiency of its services*cough* bullshit *cough*

Dr.s, Why couldnt u write nicely, fill in each requirements nessecarily, sign n chop ur name properly...whyyyy......i know u hate us pharmacist..but wat did we ever do to u!

Sigh...there goes a lousy day! Full of backlog on paperwork..months n months b4. Thats Malaysia for u



At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wei i kena do report osola today. 500 over clients must re-check all over for their billings and contracts. I almost died la. Staring at pc screen for 7 hours. Welcome to working world Jo

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Pheromonic Pharmacist said...

Sigh..more shit to come! =(

At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tell me about it man ....

and i had to screen one friggin' month's worth of prescriptions (imagine about 800-1000 prescriptions per day?) for my stupid mini project on benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). guys, love your prostate. get fingered after 50 ya? or u might have to have tubes ur your *YEAH!* ....


At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »


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